星期三, 八月 30, 2006

GTDGmail - The Firefox Extension that Combines Gmail with Getting Things Done - home - Mozilla Firefox

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Key Uses
  • Get more from your day
  • Efficiently manage work tasks
  • Simplify chores
  • Reduce Stress
  • Get Things Done
What is Unique?
  • Fully Integrates into Gmail
    Intuitively tie together your task management with your communication system.
  • Very Simple to Learn & Use
  • It is Free!
Meet the Family

GTDGmail is part of our productivity trio.
They are free, high-quality Firefox extensions designed to make you more productive and less stressed.

  • Bumble Search
    Bumble Search lets you turn Google into a super search engine, mash up other great sites & do indepth research much more quickly.
  • FireHound
    FireHound is a power users tool that dramatically improves your ability to search the Web.
GTDGmail is a Firefox extension that integrates the highly effective methodology of "Getting Things Done" into the popular email service Gmail.


GTDGmail Features

GTDGmail discreetly integrates into Gmail making it even more suitable as a GTD tool.

  • Easily Organise GTD Labels
    Labels are now structured into Contexts, Status, Projects and References; making it easier to read and use.
    Labels can be applied much more rapidly than in standard Gmail.
    Structure your Labels into GTD Categories Quickly add/remove labels in your conversations.
    A popup box to quickly add labels in your inbox

  • Quickly Review Outstanding Tasks
    Quickly review outstanding GTD tasks that are over a few days old.
    Initiate search over any outstanding items.
  • Save Specialised Searches
    Searches can be created and saved that enable precise queries over your GTD tasks.
    Build, save and conduct searches over your GTD items
  • Send Myself Tasks and References
    You can quickly compose Tasks and References and send them to your Inbox.
    Send yourself a task or a reference with the click of a link
  • Print Tasks to Cards
    Select, sort and print tasks in 3x5 inch format so you can easily carry them.
    Extra useful if you use the Hipster PDA!
    Format and Print all your outstanding GTD items

What is GTD?

GTD - Getting Things Done - is a simple and effective productivity concept: designed so that even the laziest and most scattered of people can be organised and stress free.

It is a way to get things done with "less effort, more ease and elegance".

GTD focuses on Contexts and Next Actions. A Context is the best place to achieve something, and a Next Action is the thing you think is most important to do next.
Projects and complex priorities are strongly devalued as they are rarely the answer to organisational problems.
As a very simple example, a to do list might have the Context 'At Computer', with the Next Actions being 'Visit GtdGmail.com' and 'Download GtdGmail'. Thus, when you are next sat at the computer, you know exactly what is most effective to do next.

The emphasis is on the fastest, easiest way to clear your task list.
A primary example being the 2 Minute Rule: any task that can be done in two minutes should be done straight away.

GTD is built on the notion that a person's mind is a very ineffectual place to store their todo list. It aims to move these lists somewhere else, freeing the brain to concentrate on the task at hand.
Enter Gmail...

Why Gmail?

  • We love it!
    GTDGmail was originally built as an internal tool to help organise Bumble Search.
    We use GMail daily, and so it made sense use it as our base for all things GTD.
  • Gmail is an Excellent GTD Partner
    Gmail has long been identified (see Bryan Murdaugh's Whitepaper) as a very good tool for GTD.
    It has a simple interface, plentiful storage, effective label system a basic approach to storage (just Inbox and Archive).
    The 'Conversation' concept is perfect for efficiently linking tasks and other data - again promoting simplicity and personal effectiveness.

    Finally, email needs GTD as much as any other part of your life, so it makes sense to embed GTD into an email client.

Does Gmail Object?

Legally speaking, any page modifications are against their T&Cs. Therefore, as a disclaimer we have to state that you run GTDGmail at your own risk.

However, we believe we actually benefit Gmail.

  • Improved Functionality = More Customer Retention
    GTDGmail brings excellent functionality to those that appreciate GTD, thus encouraging more people to use (and keep using) Gmail.
    This is done without alienating the users who do not want GTD features.
  • Professional Product = No Image Harm
    GTDGmail is a professional product, that in no way brings Gmail into disrepute.
    • GTDGmail makes itself clearly known - it is not easily confused with standard Gmail.
    • GTDGmail does absolutely nothing to harm Gmail's business model.
      Infact, if anything we boost revenue, as we carry Google AdSense advertising on this website.

Safety and Ethics

It is a common theme with our products, but we are a highly ethical team (see team profile).
We are driven to create high quality, useful products.
To address some specific concerns:

  • No Spyware
    GDTGmail contains no 3rd party software, and does exactly what it says on the tin!
  • No Data Monitoring
    GDTGmail sends no data back to a central server.
    Your emails are completely safe.
  • No Destructive Capabilities
    GDTGmail integrates into Gmail, but absolutely no function can delete anything important (like your emails).

Download & Install

  • Firefox Users

    Simply Click Here to Install the Latest Version of GTDGmail.

    Depending on your Firefox security settings, a yellow bar may appear at the top of your page. This is normal, you should click Edit Options to tell Firefox that you wish to let BumbleSearch.com install an extension for you.

    If this fails, please install from http://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3209/

    Should you wish to Uninstall GTDGmail, select Extensions from the Tools menu. Locate the entry for GTDGmail, and click Uninstall.
    You will also need to (optionally) remove all the GTD Labels you added to Gmail.

    Please always download from either GTDGmail.com, or BumbleSearch.com.
    You can also use Mozilla.org (Product ID: 3209)
    This version is very safe and records no data, but we cannot be responsible for imitations.

  • Users of other browsers

    Unfortunately (or rather, fortunately!), you need to use Firefox in order to install GTDGmail.


