Wiley Interscience Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms Oct 2006 eBook-BBL Design and Analysis of Distributed Algorithms (c) by Wiley-Interscience publisher The PDF eBook with ISBN: 0471719978 and Pub Date: October 27, 2006 Was successfully packed into: 01 disks by size 2.88mb It became possible on: 03/04/2007 This text is based on a simple and fully reactive computational model that allows for intuitive comprehension and logical designs. The principles and techniques presented can be applied to any distributed computing environment ( e.g., distributed systems, communication networks, data networks, grid networks, internet, etc.). The text provides a wealth of unique material for learning how to design algorithms and protocols perform tasks efficiently in a distributed computing environment. ... Source: http://www.ebookshare.net/2007/03/09/wiley-interscience-design-and-analysis-of-distributed-algorithms-oct-2006-ebook-bbl/