星期三, 九月 27, 2006

Pre Conference Travel and Logistics Planning


Pre Conference Travel and Logistics Planning

In my new role, I'll be attending and hosting lots of conferences and meetups. This means traveling probably as much as twice a month to other places, and that means lugging all the stuff a technological nomad needs to take along to stay viable. Here's a list that I'm compiling that contains some obvious and maybe not-so-obvious pre-plans.

Pre-Conference Travel Checklist

  • Clothes. This is a given to TAKE clothes, but be sure to have a mix of multi-use, casual-to-faux-formal clothes. Take fitness clothes, if you can, too.
  • Toiletries. The US has just approved using a quart-sized sealable plastic bag full of travel-size toiletries (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc).
  • Business Cards. ALWAYS bring business cards. If you're not traveling for your day job, print your own at somewhere like VistaPrint.
  • If you print your own, add WHAT YOU DO FOR OTHERS/WHAT YOU WANT FROM OTHERS on the card. (Example: Chris Brogan. Pulvermedia. Looking to meet and talk about the future of video on the internet.)
  • Chargers. This is the one most people miss. Double check that you have one charger for each piece of gear.
  • Transfer cables. I shot movie footage a few weeks ago, and then couldn't display it anywhere because I didn't have the right cable to share it.
  • Energy bars. Plane snacks are fewer and further between, and hotel snacks aren't that great either. Take a half dozen energy bars for quick, good, calories.
  • Reading material and an mp3 player. There's lots of travel time wasted. Take podcasts and books/magazines with you.
  • USB thumb drive(s). Take one for your data, but consider picking up a cheapie 32MB one to give out, if need be. Smaller and easier to manage than bringing along CDs or DVDs to burn, depending on the size of the media you want to share.
  • 3×5 cards or a notepad, and a pen. Are you kidding? This is on EVERY list.
  • Maps. Use your mapper of choice: Google? MapQuest? Yahoo? but use one. Map out all the parts of the city or cities that you'll be traveling. Get directions both ways (to and from). Build these into a little binder, if you want, or at least color-tag them so that you know which one to pull out when.
  • Accommodation info. I *always* forget the name of the hotel I booked, because there are often multiples tapped for an event. I also share this with family and friends, so that people know where to find me in an emergency.
  • Prescriptions. Make sure your medicine needs are up to date. Sometimes, you can contact your doctor and ask for an additional prescription, just in case you run into trouble somewhere else. This'll save you some time, especially if your med is important.
  • Bring a crapload (technical term) of Ziplok gallon bags, and maybe some quart bags, too. They're insanely useful, for millions of things.
  • A roll of duct tape beats a lint brush any day. If you don't want the whole role, peel off a long strip and re-wrap it carefully.

Targeted Planning

So here's something people rarely do before attending a conference: target who's going to attend. If you're going to a trade show in your industry, get out on the site's attendee list, see who's coming, and look for the following:

  • Company blogs.
  • Technorati mentions.
  • Personal blogs of attendees.
  • Industry news in general.

You could build a reasonably robust packet of information through a quick (but deep) read through your RSS reader of choice. (I like Bloglines for a web-side reader). And this will give you more conversation grist for the conference. Further, if you happen to need something, on behalf of your company or yourself, you'll have the pre-knowledge of who's doing what in your industry. If you learn that people are hiring, or that someplace just had a layoff, you might even find a new job, or fill the jobs you need filled at your company.

Networking Tips

Lots of people forget that conferences aren't just about the expo floor and the presentations. It's about getting to know other people in your industry (or in the area of your passion), and echanging ideas. The key element of this happening at the show is your pitch. What are you going to say to start an engaging conversation? I've mentioned going to 15 Second Pitch before to learn some great tips, and build your own pitches online for free. But here's another tip to go with that one: Build a great 5 second soundbite, a 15-30 second teaser, a 2 minute trailer, and then the full boat conversation. What?

The 5 second soundbite is what you say shortly after people look for your badge (wear this on your right side, if you shake right-handed). It should NEVER be your job title. It should be something about what you do, what you're looking for, or what you offer. (By the way, I'm not the expert. Laura is. Go see her for details).

Tthe 15-30 second teaser is like the warmup to tell people just a little more if they bite on your soundbite. This should give them just a little more of the story, to show the other person where they fit into your ecosystem.

The 2-3 minute trailer is like a movie trailer. You've gotta show the best of your idea/offering/whatever in this 2-3 minutes, because this is your shot. You watch trailers, right? Do they help you decide whether to see a movie or not? Of course. Make your trailer really compelling, but then, you have to deliver.

The rest is just the full conversation. Remember to give the other person time to talk. Make your presentation about them, as best as you can. Give them chances to exit the information dump, in case they're being polite instead of interested. (This will save you both time). And always be courteous to people's time. They're there to meet lots of people, too.

After the Show

First and foremost, reconnect with your family and loved ones. Give them attention, and try not to lead off by talking about all the crazy things that happened to you. Ask your spouse (who cared for your kids while you were gone) or your boyfriend or whoever details about THEIR experience while you were gone. Listen to them. Ask questions. Give them a chance to feel at the heart of your attention. (This is the best advice I can give you for your relationship with regards to travel).

I've already covered this before, but to recap, make sure you send a brief email to every business card you received at the event –Remember: it's YOUR job to GET cards, not give yours out. That's a bonus– with tidbits of specific things you and the other person talked about at the event. Do this as quickly as possible. Keep the contact fresh. This will reinforce the person's memory of you at the event, and promote a better feeling about what you and the other person might do in the near term.

Reset your toiletries. These are the things that eat up annoying time when you're ready to travel next, because you forgot to bring them.

Your Tips and Add-Ons

You know me. I love to end these things looking for your feedback. I love adding to the conversation. If you do it here, great. If you do it on your site, send a trackback. But let's keep the conversation going. I bet someone could even take the first few lists and upload them into our wiki and build even more around them. But let's keep the conversation going. Okay?

– Chris Brogan keeps a blog at [chrisbrogan.com]. He's just joined pulvermedia as a Community Developer for Video On the Net, a conference about the future of tv and movies delivered over the net.

This entry was posted by Chris Brogan on Tuesday, September 26th, 2006 at 11:08 am and is tagged under , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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One Response to "Pre Conference Travel and Logistics Planning"
  1. Gravtar Icon
    Sunil Bajpai says on:

    Thanks for the very comprehensive and insightful advice related to travel and networking.

    All business cards now have a company url, if not a personal one. I bookmark it using delicious with the name of the contact and other details. Here's how:


    Does it make sense for you?

Leave a Reply

Related Posts:




发表于Wednesday, 九月 27th, 2006


  • 衣服。不同场合需要穿的衣服,如果可能,带上运动服。
  • 洗漱用品。
  • 名片。
  • 充电器。(我每次出门要带至少四种不同的充电器!)
  • 转换插头以及转换连接线。(什么三项变两项插头啊,美标转国标插头啊,摄像机av线啊,照相机usb线啊)
  • 能量块。对我来说就是巧克力棒。
  • 书和mp3播放器。
  • U盘。
  • 卡片、记事本和笔。
  • 地图。
  • 旅馆地址。
  • 常用药。
  • 一些带拉链的口袋。
  • 胶条。


矩阵式数据处理 MATLAB R2006b





Link for TASKING
Simulink HDL Coder
Aerospace Toolbox
MATLAB Builde for Java

Distributed Computing Toolbox 3
Filter Design Toolbox 4
Image Acquisition Toolbox 2
MATLAB Distributed Computing Engine 3
Stateflow 6.5
Simulink Verification and Validation 2.0
RF Toolbox 2.0

分布式计算工具支持Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003,支持分布式数组和并行数学函数
Simulink 和Stateflow 的模型标准检查
Embedded MATLAB function 模块开始支持MATLAB的结构数据类型以及Simulink的总线


Matlab 2006作为美国 MathWorks公司开发的用于概念设计,算法开发,建模仿真,实时实现的理想的集成环境。是目前最好的科学计算类软件,2006年9月MATLAB 2006最新版正式发行,本MATLAB 2006 包括 MATLAB FOR Windows x64。

MATLAB R2006b正式发布了!MATLAB 2006b于9月正式发布,相关信息见 http://www.mathworks.com/products/new_prod...tures.html?ref= fp2006a 。从现在开始,MathWorks公司将每年进行两次产品发布,时间分别在每年的3月和9月,而且,每一次发布都会包含所有的产品模块,如产品的new feature、bug fixes和新产品模块的推出。在R2006a中(MATLAB 7.2,Simulink 6.4),主要更新了10个产品模块、增加了多 达350个新特性、增加了对64位Windows的支持,并新推出了.net工具箱。

作为和Mathematica、Maple并列的三大数学软件。其强项就是其强大的矩阵计算以及仿真能力。要知道Matlab的由来就是Matrix + Laboratory = Matlab,所以这个软件在国内也被称作《矩阵实验室》。每次MathWorks发布Matlab的同时也会发布仿真工具Simulink。在欧美很多大公司在将产品投入实际使用之前都会进行仿真试验,他们所主要使用的仿真软件就是Simulink。Matlab提供了自己的编译器:全面兼容C++以及 Fortran两大语言。所以Matlab是工程师,科研工作者手上最好的语言,最好的工具和环境。Matlab 已经成为广大科研人员的最值得信赖的助手和朋友!

Matlab 2006b于2006.9月最新发布-完整版,这次的升级做了重大的增强.也升级了以下各版本,提供了MATLAB,SIMULINK的升级以及其他最新的模块的升级。这个Matlab 2006版本不仅仅提高了产品质量,同时也提供了新的用于数据分析、大规模建模、固定点开发、编码等新特征:

Matlab 2006主要更新的产品模块为:
 Control System Toolbox 7
 Embedded Target for TI C2000™ DSP 2
 Embedded Target for TI C6000™ DSP 2
 Financial Toolbox 3
 Link for ModelSim® 2
 MATLAB Report Generator 3
 Neural Network Toolbox 5
 Simulink Control Design 2
 Simulink Report Generator 3
 Simulink Response Optimization 3

Matlab R2006a新版本中,推出了下面三个新产品(包括R14 SP3以来未随安装盘发布的):
 MATLAB Builder for .net;
 SimBiology(R14 SP3);
 SimEvents (R14 SP3)。

其中MATLAB Builder for .net扩展了MATLAB Compiler的功能,主要有:  


MATLAB R2006b新版本中,产品模块进行了一些调整,MATLAB Builder for COM的功能集成到MATLAB Builder for .net中去了,Finacial Time Series Toolbox的功能集成到Financial Toolbox中了。MATLAB 将高性能的数值计算和可视化集成在一起,并提供了大量的内置函数,从而被广泛地应用于科学计算、控制系统、信息处理等领域的分析、仿真和设计工作,而且利用 MATLAB 产品的开放式结构,可以非常容易地对 MATLAB 的功能进行扩充,从而在不断深化对问题认识的同时,不断完善 MATLAB 产品以提高产品自身的竞争能力。

目前 MATLAB 产品族可以用来进行:

- 数值分析
- 数值和符号计算
- 工程与科学绘图
- 控制系统的设计与方针
- 数字图像处理
- 数字信号处理
- 通讯系统设计与仿真
- 财务与金融工程...

MATLAB 是 MATLAB 产品家族的基础,它提供了基本的数学算法,例如矩阵运算、数值分析算法, MATLAB 集成了 2D 和 3D 图形功能,以完成相应数值可视化的工作,并且提供了一种交互式的高级编程语言―― M 语言,利用 M 语言可以通过编写脚本或者函数文件实现用户自己的算法。

MATLAB Compiler 是一种编译工具,它能够将那些利用 MATLAB 提供的编程语言―― M 语言编写的函数文件编译生成为函数库、可执行文件 COM 组件等等。这样就可以扩展 MATLAB 功能,使 MATLAB 能够同其他高级编程语言例如 C/C++ 语言进行混合应用,取长补短,以提高程序的运行效率,丰富程序开发的手段。

利用 M 语言还开发了相应的 MATLAB 专业工具箱函数供用户直接使用。这些工具箱应用的算法是开放的可扩展的,用户不仅可以查看其中的算法,还可以针对一些算法进行修改,甚至允许开发自己的算法扩充工具箱的功能。目前 MATLAB 产品的工具箱有四十多个,分别涵盖了数据获取、科学计算、控制系统设计与分析、数字信号处理、数字图像处理、金融财务分析以及生物遗传工程等专业领域。


Simulink 是基于 MATLAB 的框图设计环境,可以用来对各种动态系统进行建模、分析和仿真,它的建模范围广泛,可以针对任何能够用数学来描述的系统进行建模,例如航空航天动力学系统、卫星控制制导系统、通讯系统、船舶及汽车等等,其中了包括连续、离散,条件执行,事件驱动,单速率、多速率和混杂系统等等。 Simulink 提供了利用鼠标拖放的方法建立系统框图模型的图形界面,而且 Simulink 还提供了丰富的功能块以及不同的专业模块集合,利用 Simulink 几乎可以做到不书写一行代码完成整个动态系统的建模工作。

Stateflow 是一个交互式的设计工具,它基于有限状态机的理论,可以用来对复杂的事件驱动系统进行建模和仿真。 Stateflow 与 Simulink 和 MATLAB 紧密集成,可以将 Stateflow 创建的复杂控制逻辑有效地结合到 Simulink 的模型中。

在 MATLAB 产品族中,自动化的代码生成工具主要有 Real-Time Workshop ( RTW )和 Stateflow Coder ,这两种代码生成工具可以直接将 Simulink 的模型框图和 Stateflow 的状态图转换成高效优化的程序代码。利用 RTW 生成的代码简洁、可靠、易读。目前 RTW 支持生成标准的 C 语言代码,并且具备了生成其他语言代码的能力。整个代码的生成、编译以及相应的目标下载过程都是自动完成的,用户需要做得仅仅使用鼠标点击几个按钮即可。 MathWorks 公司针对不同的实时或非实时操作系统平台,开发了相应的目标选项,配合不同的软硬件系统,可以完成快速控制原型( Rapid Control Prototype )开发、硬件在回路的实时仿真( Hardware-in-Loop )、产品代码生成等工作。

另外, MATLAB 开放性的可扩充体系允许用户开发自定义的系统目标,利用 Real-Time Workshop Embedded Coder 能够直接将 Simulink 的模型转变成效率优化的产品级代码。代码不仅可以是浮点的,还可以是定点的。

MATLAB 开放的产品体系使 MATLAB 成为了诸多领域的开发首选软件,并且, MATLAB 还具有500 余家第三方合作伙伴,分布在科学计算、机械动力、化工、计算机通讯、汽车、金融等领域。接口方式包括了联合建模、数据共享、开发流程衔接等等。

比美味书签更方便的 GMarks


比美味书签更方便的 GMarks

Published on 09/27,2006

  我曾经在过去的文章中介绍过很多 关于美味书签 的内容,它将您喜爱的网站地址集中存储在一处,允许您给每个收藏的地址添加标签和简要说明,允许您把个人收藏的内容展示给公众或隐藏起来,而最重要的是可以根据全站收藏总人数判断一项收藏有多么受欢迎。

安装了 GMark 插件的 Firefox 浏览器,红色五角星表示当前浏览的网页已经被收藏  然而,美味书签也有其不方便的地方,比如说每次要想查找原来收藏的内容,就必须访问它的首页,然后根据标签找到想要的东西,由于站上的访问人数比较多,每次点击都要等待很久,比起浏览器上自带的收藏夹要慢太多了,我就在想有没有一种客户端工具可以把美味书签中存储的网址读取到本地,再按照普通的浏览器收藏夹方式显示出来,结果发现确实有这种工具,它就是 GMarks,一个 Firefox 插件(不熟悉 Firefox 的朋友请看 这篇介绍文章)。

Google Marks  GMarks 是一个基于 Google 帐号的浏览器插件,它是利用 Google 的 Bookmarks 服务 创建的,尽管不是 Google 官方发布的插件,但确实非常令人喜欢。它虽然不像美味书签那样可以把收藏的内容公开,但却能够把服务器上集中存储的收藏列表下载到本地,这样就不需要为了寻找一个网址等待许久了。左边这幅图就显示了列表载入本地后的情况,是不是跟普通浏览器收藏夹非常相似呢?

  当然了,为了帐号信息的安全,最好不要过分轻信第三方发布的插件程序,我就是拿另一个不常用的 Gmail 帐号做的实验,密码也设置得非常简单,这样就不至于让恶意程序截获自己的个人信息和主要使用的密码。

Sony Reader: Gizmodo's Hands All Over


Sony Reader: Gizmodo's Hands All Over

sonyreader27.jpgThe Sony's ebook, a device based on electronic ink technology, went through several revisions before its launch as the Sony Reader. First it was released in Japan with a white case, and a limited selection of DRM'd books that expired after some obscenely short amount of time. Then there was the delayed US launch.

Sony pulled Gizmodo into a little back room to play with the final hardware and we've made our decision: Shit ain't half bad for a greyscale, book replacement...it's like a gameboy...for the game of Reading. Here's what we know, what we think, and all our photos, after the jump.


The electronic ink technology is passive, looks good as paper, and only uses power when refreshing, so a single battery charge'll last 7,500 page turns.

The screen is 160 DPI, with a 6-inch display. But we were a little bit too busy admiring the resolution...and furrowing our brow at the ghosting you can see from some of the photos below. And page turns? Sluggish, but obviously fast enough for reading. (Well, for you guys...I'm a speed reader.)


It'll playback DRM'd books you can purchase through the Connect Bookstore (more on that later), with titles provided by all the major publishing houses. But it's easy enough to use simple text, RTF, PDF (unprotected)), JPGs, GIFs, MP3s, and AAC files. It'll even do RSS feed...including some Gawker titles, thank you very much!

Yes, it'll playback greyscale images, or music files from its Memory Stick, or SD card. (Yes, SD card) The greyscale images look all right.

MP3 playback is totally not recommended. Sure, you'd think it would be good for audio books, but I can't imagine what digital audio playback does for battery life on this guy. And once you're in book mode, it takes over 10 clicks to get to MP3 control menus to, say, switch a track or stop playing, and then go back to reading. Hmmmph.

It charges via USB (6 hours) or a PSP-type power adapter (4 hours).

There are a lot of buttons on this thing, including two sets of page up/down triggers. We liked the bookmark button, which also dog-ears the page.

Dedicated volume buttons? All right. Then there's the 10 digit menu pad on the bottom of the screen that correlates with the numbers on the right hand side of the screen. Those numbers are for going through menus, not entering page numbers to jump to. WTF?
You might ask yourself why there isn't a simple digital cross for all the controls. That's easy -- every time you clicked up or down, it would count as a page refresh, and drain the Reader's juice.

The Connect Store looks..iTunes-ish. That's a good thing. Oh, and you can redownload your purchased books, which is sweet. Books should be cheaper than paperbacks, but that stuff is set by the publishers. Should be 10,000 titles or so, and all major pubs are playing ball to combat those evil libraries and second-hand book stores.

Sony Reader Accessories: Dock Night Light and Magnetic Suede Cases


Sony Reader Accessories: Dock Night Light and Magnetic Suede Cases

sonyreader25.jpgThe Sony Reader's leather and suede case comes in red, green, brown, and black. It snaps shut with a magnet sewn into the cover. Jump to see the charging dock, night light and the other case colors.

The night light uses LEDs.

The dock transfers data and recharging power, and fits the Reader in and out of its leather case.



 作者:Skyangeles 编辑:Skyangeles 2006-9-27 10:01:00  
索尼公司近日正式发布了他们的电子书产品Sony Reader PRS-500,采用了电子墨水技术,可算是电子显示的有一个新时代。

从电子墨水技术的PRS-500屏幕上,文字看起来确实像是印刷品,锐利度极高。并且,这种屏幕不是自发光,即使在骄阳似火的户外也可像报纸一样照常阅读。可视角度也完全没有LCD的问题。6寸的屏幕每英寸像素数达到了170,有四个阶段的灰度可调。内置的存储器可存储80本电子书,并可使用记忆棒或SD卡扩展。电池可以支持翻页7500次。索尼专为电子书用户准备了CONNECT电子书商店,购买各种读物。除了电子书,该款阅读器还可以同样的质量显示 PDF,DOC文件,blog,新闻和JPEG文件,以及通过耳机收听MP3或AAC音乐。




Free Outlook GTD Plugin


David Allen’s GTD (Getting Things Done) workflow concept, while not really new, has been spreading like wildfire in recently because of the growing need for a better way to handle multi-tasking.

For those unfamiliar with this system, GTD is basically a time and commitment management system, and this definition from Wikipedia truly encapsulates the concept perfectly…

“GTD rests on the principle that a person needs to move tasks out of their mind and get them recorded somewhere. That way, the mind is freed from the job of remembering everything that needs to be done, and can concentrate fully on actually performing those tasks. “

…and yes - speaking from experience, it really works. Jello GTD is a brand new open source plugin which helps you implement this system in Outlook

What’s good?

  • It’s free, open source and under constant development
  • It’s developer ‘Dr. Uqbarrun’ is quick and responsive to comments and suggestions in the comments sections, which has lead to quick implementation of features.
  • Syncs with your handhelds

What’s not?

Having tried it out, it seems that there is no obvious way to associate email to the tasks created. As a lot of of my work is driven by emails that need to be actioned, this is a big drawback.


If your work is not heavily email based, and you’d like a better way to keep track of your tasks, it’s certainly worth a try… after all it’s free. If anything this program will help whip a scattered workflow back into shape. It’s better than ending up like this…

jello wordpress

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