星期二, 八月 29, 2006




>UNIX、Linux、Windows、Mach、Mac OS、OS/2、VMS/OpenVMS、S360/370以
>具有2年以上的使用C/C++、Java、Visual Basic、PERL、Python等语言或开
>J2EE、Microsoft .NET、CORBA等企业级的开发技术。有一定的企业级应用的开发经验。
>件工程、设计模式、Extreme Programming、软件配置管理等软件工程思想和理
> 对计算理论、可计算性和难解性理论、组合逻辑理论有深入的理解。
> 对算法设计和分析的理论和方法有深入透彻的理解。
> 牢固掌握布尔代数和计算机逻辑电路的相关理论知识。
> 对计算代数和计算几何的理论有初步的了解。
>熟悉现代代数理论和方法。 对现代数论的理论和方法有较深入的理解。
>精通Microsoft Office系统办公自动化软件的高级应用和配置管理。
>熟练掌握使用Visual Basic for Application、COM/OLE/ActiveX等技术
>对Microsoft Office系列进行进一步的开发。
>了解使用Lotus Script对Lotus Notes的进一步开发技术。
>精通Adobe Illustrator、MacroMedia
>FreeHand、CorelDRAW等主流矢量绘图工具,Adobe Photoshop、
>Jasc Paintshop Pro、GIMP等主流图像处理
>工具,MetaCreation/Corel Painter等主流位图创作工具,以及
>Adobe InDesign、QuarkXpress、TeX/LaTeX、
>方正、Adobe PageMaker、Corel Ventura等主流的专业/商业排版软件。对
>的各种业务流程、行业规范和专业技术有专业水平的了解和 丰富的经验。在专
>熟练掌握Alias|Wavefront Maya,能够进行专业水平的三维动画设计和制作。
> 精通以下高级程序设计语言:
> ANSI C++
> Objective C
> Java
> C#
> ISO Basic
> Visual Basic
> Visual Basic.NET
> ISO Pascal/ISO 扩展Pascal
> Object Pascal
> ADA 83/ADA 95
> Smalltalk 80
> Modula/Modula-2/Modula-3
> Haskell
> VBScript
> JavaScript/JScript
> Python
> 熟悉以下高级程序设计语言:
> Common LISP
> Scheme
> ML
> 精通以下体系结构上的机器语言/汇编语言:
> Intel 8086/8088
> AMD64
> 3DNow!/Enhanced 3DNow!
> 熟悉以下体系结构上的机器语言/汇编语言:
> Power PC
> 了解以下体系结构上的机器语言/汇编语言:
> IA64
> Alpha
> Sparc
> 680x0
> Transputer
> IBM 7094
> IBM 360/370
> Microsoft Windows Platform Software Development Kits
> Microsoft Windows Driver Development Kits
> Microsoft Visual Studio
> Microsoft Visual Studio.NET
> Borland C++
> Borland C++ Builder
> Borland JBuilder
> Borland Together
> Borland Delphi
> Borland Kylix
> GNU Compiler Collection(GCC)
> GNU Binutils
> GNU Debugger
> GNU Emacs
> GTK+
> Qt
> Anjuta
> Glade
> KDeveloper
> QT Designer
> Rational Rose





在Linux下对照人家的原代码写了几行程序,就是精通Unix编程了;学完了数据库基础就声称精通数据库。用了几天Office,就能说自己精通 Office。一旦你让他去写个文档,一百个不情愿,还说:这玩意还不简单?结果作了好几天,弄出来的文档不但粗糙得很,还没有统一的风格,极尽变化之能事。你说他写得不好,他还抱怨说你故意排挤他,最后你还要自己弄(那样的文档怎么给客户用呢?)。工作不了几天,就想着自己做老板。成天把什么个人创业挂在嘴边,都认为自己是做大事的人。你让他们列举出4个IBM的主要产品,很多人都要半天才能弄出来,你要是问他们F4都是那四个人,那是张口就来。他们关心丁磊们的财富的程序要胜过关心C++语言的发展。




现在的大学生还几乎都是网虫,但是你看看他们在网上的表现:看到别人写的有争论性的文章,很少真正的进行讨论。往往是一个简单的“顶”,“好”, “打倒小日本” 盲目性很严重。别人喜欢《大话西游》他也说《大话西游》好,杂志上说软件工程,他也开始开口闭口都是CMM。和他们谈话,你能听到最时髦的东西,但是最实际的东西你很少能听到。在他们的课堂上,能提起他们的精神的内容大多是一些小笑话,稍加沉闷一点的课程,几乎没有人会认真听。








最近通过 pkBlogs.com 的服务又可以访问 BlogSpot 的内容了。看到了一篇有趣的文章。Andrew Clarke 在 How To Be A Good Guru 一文中提到了 How to Answer Questions the Smart Way 这个有趣的话题, 并且模仿 提问的智慧 给出了"回答的智慧"的 10 条准则。来看一下这 10 条(翻译了一下,并适当的作了一点注释):

  • 1. Don't answer questions to which you don't know the answer( 不回答自己不知道答案的问题 )
  • 2. Explain yourself ( 解释给自己 )
  • 3. Give as little assistance as necessary ( 尽可能的给最少的帮助 )
  • 4. Show your workings ( 展示你的做法 )
  • 5. Use humour judiciously ( 明智地使用幽默 )
  • 6. If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all( 如果你不能说出有用的内容,就别说 )
  • 7. Avoid jargon, baffling acronyms and idiolects ( 避免行话、令人困惑的缩写词、习惯用语 )
  • 8. Never never never just respond with RTFM. Not ever.( 永远永远永远不要回复 RTFM )
    这里的 RTFM 代表"Read The Fucking Manual", "去读该死的手册". 另外一个常见的是: STFW --Search The Fucking Web, "搜索该死的网络",或者友好一点的 "Google 一下". 对于中文论坛上,我觉得还有一个尽量不要说 "RPWT" --人品问题 :)
  • 9. Meditate on eternity (永远的深思熟虑)
  • 10. Keep your newbie mind (保持自己的"新手"思维)

保持谦卑。回答并不意味着你是"给予", 可能你也在学习. 不要认为回答了一些问题自己就成了 Guru 了.

上述 10 条应该建立在《提问的智慧》的基础上。

Andrew Clarke 的这篇文章是针对 DBA 来说的,不过对其他领域的技术人员也有借鉴意义。提问、回答都是一门艺术.



  如果你决定向我们求助,当然不希望被视为失败者,更不愿成为失败者中的一 员。立刻得到有效答案的最好方法,就是象胜利者那样提问--聪明、自信、有解决问题的思路,只是偶尔在特定的问题上需要获得一点帮助。
  1. 通读手册,试着自己找答案。
  2. 在FAQ里找答案(一份维护得好的FAQ可以包罗万象:)。
  3. 在网上搜索(个人推荐google~~~)。
  4. 向你身边精于此道的朋友打听。
  周全的思考,准备好你的问题,草率的发问只能得到草率的回答,或者根本得 不到任何答案。越表现出在寻求帮助前为解决问题付出的努力,你越能得到实质性的帮助。
  小心别问错了问题。如果你的问题基于错误的假设,普通黑客(J. RandomHacker)通常会用无意义的字面解释来答复你,心里想着"蠢问题...",希望着你会从问题的回答(而非你想得到的答案)中汲取教训。

  1. 在风马牛不相及的论坛贴出你的问题
  2. 在探讨高级技巧的论坛张贴非常初级的问题;反之亦然
  3. 在太多的不同新闻组交叉张贴

  XFree86 4.1下鼠标光标变形,Fooware MV1005的显示芯片。
  如果你在回复中提出问题,记得要修改内容标题,表明里面有一个问题。一个 看起来象"Re:测试"或者"Re:新bug"的问题很难引起足够重视。另外,引 用并删减前文的内容,给新来的读者留下线索。

  1. 谨慎明确的描述症状。
  2. 提供问题发生的环境(机器配置、操作系统、应用程序以及别的什么)。
  3. 说明你在提问前是怎样去研究和理解这个问题的。
  4. 说明你在提问前采取了什么步骤去解决它。
  5. 罗列最近做过什么可能有影响的硬件、软件变更。
  Simon Tatham写过一篇名为《如何有效的报告Bug》的出色短文。强力推荐你也读一读。

  你需要提供精确有效的信息。这并不是要求你简单的把成吨的出错代码或者数据完 全转储摘录到你的提问中。如果你有庞大而复杂的测试条件,尽量把它剪裁得越小 越好。
  这样做的用处至少有三点。第一,表现出你为简化问题付出了努力,这可以使你得 到回答的机会增加;第二,简化问题使你得到有用答案的机会增加;第三,在提炼 你的bug报告的过程中,也许你自己就能找出问题所在或作出更正。

  告诉黑客们你认为问题是怎样引起的没什么帮助。(如果你的推断如此有效,还用 向别人求助吗?),因此要确信你原原本本告诉了他们问题的症状,不要加进你自 己的理解和推论。让黑客们来诊断吧。
  我在内核编译中一次又一次遇到SIG11错误,我怀疑某条飞线搭在主板的走线上了, 这种情况应该怎样检查最好?
  我自制的一套K6/233系统,主板是FIC-PA2007 (VIA Apollo VP2芯片组),256MB Corsair PC133 SDRAM,在内核编译中频频产生SIG11错误,从开机20分钟以后就有这种情况,开机
  前20分钟内从没发生过。重启也没有用,但是关机一晚上就又能工作20分钟。所有 内存都换过了,没有效果。相关部分的典型编译记录如下...。

  对找出问题最有帮助的线索,往往就是问题发生前的一系列操作,因此,你的说明 应该包含操作步骤,以及电脑的反应,直到问题产生。
  如果你的说明很长(超过四个段落),在开头简述问题会有所帮助,接下来按时间 顺序详述。这样黑客们就知道该在你的说明中找什么。

  如果你明确表述需要回答者做什么(提供建议,发送一段代码,检查你的补丁或是别的),就最有可能得到有用的答案。这会定出一个时间和精力的上限, 便于回答者集中精力来帮你,这很凑效。
  能给点提示吗?"通常比问"你能解释一下X吗?"更好。如果你的代码 不能工作,问问它有什么地方不对,比要求别人替你修改要明智得多。

  首先:如果你对问题的描述不很合适,这样问更是画蛇添足。其次:由于这 样问是画蛇添足,黑客们会很厌烦你--而且通常会用逻辑上正确的回答来表 示他们的蔑视,例如:"没错,有人能帮你"或者"不,没答案 "。
  谦逊绝没有害处,而且常帮大忙 x


  问题解决后,向所有帮助过你的人发个说明,让他们知道问题是怎样解决 的,并再一次向他们表示感谢。如果问题在新闻组或者邮件列表中引起了 广泛关注,应该在那里贴一个补充说明。


  1. 你还有什么要补充的吗?
  2. 真糟糕,希望你能搞定。
  3. 这跟我有什么鸟相关?

  蠢问题:我可以在哪儿找到关于Foonly Flurbamatic的资料?
  聪明问题:我用Google搜索过"Foonly Flurbamatic 2600",但是
  聪明问题:FOO项目代码在Nulix 6.2版下无法编译通过。我读过了FAQ, 但里面没有提到跟Nulix有关的问题。这是我编译过程的记录,我有什么 做得不对的地方吗?
  他讲明了环境,也读过了FAQ,还指明了错误,并且他没有把问题的责任 推到别人头上,这个家伙值得留意。
  普通黑客对这类问题的回答通常是:"好的,还要帮你拍拍背和换尿布 吗?" ,然后按下删除键。
  聪明问题:我在S2464主板上试过了X、Y和Z,但没什么作用,我又试了 A、B和C。请注意当我尝试C时的奇怪现象。显然边带传输中出现了收缩,但结果出人意料。在多处理器主板上引起边带泄漏的通常原因是什么?
  这个家伙,从另一个角度来看,值得去回答他。他表现出了解决问题的 能力,而不是坐等天上掉答案。
  事实上,后一个问题源自于2001年8月在Linux内核邮件列表上的一个真实的提问。我(Eric)就是那个提出问题的人。我在Tyan S2464主板上观察到了这种无法解释的锁定现象,列表成员们提供了解决那一问题的重要信息。
  后来,当我向每个人表示感谢,并且赞赏这套程序(指邮件列表中的讨论 --译者注)运作得非常出色的时候,一个Linux内核邮件列表(lkml)成员表示,问题得到解决并非由于我是这个列表中的"名人",而是因为 我用了正确的方式来提问。


Getting Things Done Software Systems (Part 1 of 2) - Download Squad - Mozilla Firefox


Getting Things Done Software Systems (Part 1 of 2)

Posted Aug 14th 2006 10:25AM by Jason Clarke
Filed under: Business, Utilities, Features, Windows, E-mail, Office, Productivity, Microsoft, Commercial

Native Windows (offline-capable) software

Scope Getting Things Done

While there are a great number of ways to put a Getting Things Done system into action on a Windows PC, I'd like to compare and contrast the benefits of using native Windows software like Outlook (arguably the most popular personal information management software on Windows) and handheld computers (in this case a Pocket PC) versus using online web-based software. Today's post will focus on the "offline" native Windows and Pocket PC software.

Quick Overview of GTD Concepts

If you've read the Getting Things Done book, or are already familiar with the system, feel free to jump to the next section.

Almost all geeks that are interested in any way in productivity and productivity software have probably heard of GTD, or Getting Things Done. GTD is a productivity system developed by David Allen for busy executives, which has achieved a certain cult-like status amongst geeks. Many popular blogs like 43Folders and Black-Belt Productivity have popped up over the past few years and have become extremely successful discussing different approaches to the GTD system.

In it's most basic form, GTD is a system for helping to collect, organize and act on your thoughts and outstanding "to-do" items. It can be implemented completely using paper and pen, but obviously this isn't what appeals to most geeks.

Getting Things Done Workflow Diagram Briefly, GTD teaches you to collect all of your incoming information into a single location (inbox), then deal with each incoming item only once, choosing exactly what to do with each item at that time (processing). Note that it's important to note that the act of collecting should be separated from the act of processing - this seperation is an integral part of the GTD system. Finally, GTD teaches you to perform a weekly review, to ensure that all of the tasks you are tracking are up-to-date, and that you have a sense of everything you are attempting to keep track of. For a visual description of this process, you can download a free PDF. To download this PDF, you will need to register with a valid email address. (I know - PITA).

Finally, what is the point of all this? Getting Things Done's main point is that if you can collect all of your outstanding to-do items and random "oops, I should..." thoughts and write them down in one location, your brain can relax and stop trying to track them all. This allows you to actually focus on what needs to get done. There is also an element of determining which project a given task belongs to (or if it is itself a project), and what context the task can be performed in. The concept of contexts is another discussion altogether, but it's important to keep it in mind since there are varying ways to track context in different software applications.

The Pleasure and Pain of Microsoft Outlook

While it holds the status of most-used email and productivity application on the Windows platform, it's arguable whether this is because users love using it, or that they're simply required to use it by their company. In fact, there are probably thousands of users in both camps. Either way, if you're an Outlook user, it's worth learning Outlook's quirks and capabilities as completely as possible to put yourself in a position to get as much as you can from the application.

For users that would like to configure Outlook manually to support the GTD System, David Allen's company has released a PDF document (available for $10) that walks through 37 steps to set up views that make the most of Outlook's built-in functionality. If you're not sure manual configuration is for you, check out the free sample excerpt from the full document (links to PDF file).

The great thing about this step-by-step tutorial is that it will probably teach you things about Outlook that you've never seen or done before. The downside is that it's quite involved, and if you're simply interested in putting a system into place, you'll be frustrated by the amount of manual configuration, and some of the limitations of Outlook, when used without any add-in software.

Outlook Add-Ins

Official GTD Outlook Add-In Getting Things Done Outlook Add-InThe David Allen Company advocates an official Outlook Getting Things Done Add-In that will create all of the views referenced in the manual-configuration article mentioned above, plus a number of additional ones. But more importantly, it builds some additional logic into Outlook to make it easier to track a task as a child of a parent project.

The GTD Outlook Add-In also adds a toolbar to your Outlook message windows allowing you to make a task from an email, and assign it to the appropriate project and context tracked using Outlook's built-in categories as well as a dedicated context field. This is done so that PDA users will be able to see their tasks grouped or filtered on context.

While the add-in accurately supports the GTD methodology (not surprising, since it's the officially sanctioned add-in), it is surprisingly more cumbersome to use than you might expect, and not at all user-friendly in many aspects. Although the developers have thoughtfully included keyboard shortcuts for most of the actions you might like to perform, often the keyboard shortcut is actually the only quick way to perform it. When you fail to remember a given shortcut, you find yourself digging around in dialog boxes.

Unfortunately in my experience the official Getting Things Done Outlook Add-In seemed to cause instability and performance issues with Outlook's PST file on my machine. To be fair, the last version I used was from at least a year and a half ago, and we all know how far software can advance in that period of time. I don't mean to unfairly knock the official GTD add-in, I'm just describing the experience I had with it.

ClearContext Clear Context Related View Another Outlook add-in option, and the one that I'm currently using, is called the ClearContext Information Management System. ClearContext's latest version (IMS 2.0) contains similar GTD functionality to the official add-in, however this functionality only scratches the surface in terms of the power that ClearContext wields. Although it's outside the scope of this article, let me say that if you ever struggle with keeping up with your email and you are an Outlook user, it is definitely worth your while to investigate ClearContext further. The prioritization engine and inbox views are pure gold.

Back to the Getting Things Done functionality, you'll note that ClearContext uses slightly different terminology, calling projects "topics", but the end effect of this is that it makes determining the project that a given email belongs to exceedingly simple.

Like the official add-in, ClearContext adds toolbars to both the main Outlook window and message windows to make it easier and more intuitive to act upon your messages. Functions like turning an email into a task are the bread and butter of ClearContext's GTD functionality, but it shines in that it can accurately track all emails that relate to a specific task, and present them to you in a list at any time. Even better, this even works with emails that have not yet or never will be assigned to a task.

PDAs - Pocket PC & Palm Probably one of the biggest benefits to implementing your Getting Things Done system in Outlook is the ability to then synchronize your task lists to a handheld PDA like a Palm or Pocket PC. Unfortunately, since Outlook does not have a built-in method for tracking the project that a task belongs to separately from the context it belongs in, most GTD methodologies are at least a little bit limited when synchronized to a PDA. In most cases, this doesn't break the system, but rather makes your ability to work with tasks slightly limited when using only your PDA. Of course, this limitation can be easily overlooked when faced with the convenience of being able to review your task list anywhere, anytime.

Although I have no experience with using Palm devices, I do have quite a bit of experience with Pocket PCs. Unfortunately, while it is functional, Microsoft's built in applications for dealing with your tasks and calendar leave quite a bit to be desired. This has produced a booming market segment of 3rd party PIM software dealers for Pocket PCs. My preference is Pocket Informant, although by all accounts Agenda Fusion is also a very good choice.

Wrapping up GTD in "offline capable" software

For some people, implementing Getting Things Done in native Windows software like Outlook is the only way to go. By far the biggest benefit to using software like Outlook and a PDA is the fact that you simply don't need access to an internet connection to work your system. People that travel frequently or simply find themselves on the go will appreciate this.

Check back for the second and last (at least for now) part in this series, where we'll discuss the options available to set up a Getting Things Done system using online software. And yes, I'm talking about all that Ajaxy goodness that is making online software more and more viable for everyday use.
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Reader Comments

(Page 1)

1. Jason,

Great article. I have of course heard about GTD, but hadn't heard of some of the software you mentioned, thanks!

Posted at 11:50AM on Aug 14th 2006 by Ryan Carter 0 stars

2. I know this is unfair, but the actual act of promoting GTD creates the appearance of people that spend more time each day straightening and reshuffling their desk, that actually just digging into the work (although it is a system for just digging in, there is a lot of parading and gesturing about the meta-method that seems the antithessis of this, making busy work)

Posted at 12:24PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Bud Landry 0 stars

3. thanks for this - as a long-time GTD outlook plug-in user who feels some of its limitations, i appreciate the heads up about clear context. in your follow-up, it would be great if you would address the particular ability of each given desktop/web application to sync to PDAs, as many of us use both in concert.

Posted at 12:41PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Greg Cohn 0 stars

4. Jason - nice review. A couple of comments on the Windows discussion. The NetCentrics GTD add-in has been significantly enhanced in the last 18 months and has resolved many of the performance and stability issues you describe. ClearContext, which is a fine piece of software, currently does not support IMAP mail while the GTD add-in does. So, for your readers who want to add an Inbox Manager to their Outlook environments that work in an IMAP environment, the officially sanctioned add-in is well worth a look.

Also, it's important to note that David Allen is very neutral about tools and does not advocate any particular tool or platform. At my last job, where there were a large number of GTD practitioners, one of the people I worked closely with used nothing more than a legal notepad to manage his actions lists. The Hipster PDA and Moleskine journals are also popular with the paper-oriented GTD crowd.

As Bud points out in a roundabout fashion in his comment, it's all too easy to get so wrapped up in tweaking the tools that you lose focus on actually accomplishing anything. I've swung like pendulum on this over the years and have happily landed on the "stop screwing around and get some work done" side of things myself.

Posted at 12:47PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Marc Orchant 1 star

5. If you want to build a GTD style system in Outlook then check out the free version of Taglocity here http://www.taglocity.com

Posted at 1:47PM on Aug 14th 2006 by David Ing 0 stars

6. Bud - I completely agree. The last thing people who are having trouble getting things done is, is additional tasks that make the actual work take even longer.

Posted at 1:51PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Peter 2 stars

7. At the risk of sounding like complete shill for a new product, there's a new GTD-friendly Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone application called SmarterTasks. There's a beta version available at http://www.smartertasks.com and it supports contexts, projects and other nifty things.

Posted at 2:13PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Teddy Lindsey 0 stars

8. For Palm, "Life Balance" is a good one @ http://www.llamagraphics.com .

Posted at 2:22PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Michelle 0 stars

9. On the Palm, I use KeySuite. It works nicely with Outlook on the PC and overcomes a lot of the limitations of the Palm PIMs. I also use a "methodology" called "Contacts as Projects," which is described in detail here:


Once you get it set up, it works very well.

I also use Clear Context on my PC.

Posted at 3:11PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Scott 0 stars

10. Bud and Peter - Just because GTD (and any other system, really), may involve a few tasks in order to work doesn't make it counterproductive as your posts seem to imply.

If you don't need a system to keep track of the stuff you have to do, more power to you. You're smarter men than I. But implying that a workflow system is detrimental to getting work done is like saying Henry Ford shouldn't have taken all that time to invent the automobile, he should have just started walking.

Posted at 3:33PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Liam 0 stars

11. What about software like 'My Life Organized' (www.mylifeorganized.net)? I found it great for implementing GTD concepts.

Posted at 4:50PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Fernando 0 stars

12. There is no better way to waste time than mess with new effeciency software.

Posted at 5:33PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Nick Post 0 stars

13. Take a look at Thinking Rock;

It IS GTD in an app. Down to the idea of a bucket.


(no affliation with them, beyond it's a great app_

Posted at 9:57PM on Aug 14th 2006 by JeffG 0 stars

14. Jason - thanks for the detailed review. FYI - I have posted a link to some information about ClearContext and GTD on our weblog at:


If any of your readers have a question about the product, please feel free to contact me at brad at clearcontext dot com. I'm happy to help in whatever way that I can.

Posted at 11:27PM on Aug 14th 2006 by Brad Meador 0 stars

15. You appear to have missed MyLifeOrganized which is without doubt one most popular and best GDT Windows Application out there. It has a Pocket PC version that fully synchronises with the Desktop software, a very active use community, a highly responsive support and development team and first rate features.


I actually chose this over kGTD, that is how good it is.

Posted at 4:53AM on Aug 15th 2006 by Jonathan Davis 0 stars

16. I can't get to clearcontext.com! Even if I get to a third party site, then I can't download. What's the problem?

Posted at 11:13AM on Aug 15th 2006 by michael Croy 0 stars

17. I'd add a another important component - search. I have found that I carefully file things for two reasons: I want to see related items, or I want to be able to find it easily later. I'm trying ClearContext, which does a great job of automatically filing things, and a great job of creating logical views. (Especially if you download the TWC add-ins for a great calendar + task pad view). My nit with CC is that it would be great if it made guesses on topics based on your past choices, but as-is it is great for such a new tool. My complaint in general with Outlook is that it stops at the PIM boundary. There is no view that holds PIM items - mail, appts., tasks, notes, and work products - documents, drawings, excel files, etc. I use Google Desktop to tie things together, and to address the find it later part. CC files things very cleanly, but it's still faster to hit "CTRL-CTRL keyword" and get an organized view of all items - PIM, files, web history, in one place.

Posted at 12:29PM on Aug 15th 2006 by Sys Admn 0 stars

18. Michael:

I just double checked and the site seems to be working fine. Try http://www.clearcontext.com and it should work. If for some reason the site continues to be blocked on your end please let me know and try the mirror at download.com:


Thanks for your persistance.

Posted at 12:39PM on Aug 15th 2006 by Brad Meador 0 stars

19. Sys Adm - FYI - Smart Topic assignment is on the ClearContext product plan and will be implemented in a future release. For more detail, see this post:


Posted at 2:30PM on Aug 15th 2006 by Brad Meador 0 stars

20. I love wikidpad. It's a free Windows based app. Using the dot-notation, I can build up my TODO lists out of articles I create in WikidPad An example of how I use this - I take my laptop to a meeting, type my meeting notes into Wikidpad, tag my TODO items & use the dot notation to generate Next Actions, etc).

WikidPad can be found here:

And this lovely person has produced a nice article on implementing GTD in WikidPad:

Posted at 4:29PM on Aug 15th 2006 by Lokkje 0 stars

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《越狱 第二季》(Prison Break Season 2)[YDY伊甸园字幕组出品]更新第1集[RMVB] | 剧集 → 欧美 | VeryCD → 下载 - Mozilla Firefox:

中文名称:越狱 第二季
英文名称:Prison Break Season 2
导演Brett Ratner
演员Marshall Allman
   Sarah Wayne Callies
   William Fichtner
   Amaury Nolasco
   Rockmond Dunbar

【原 名】:Prison.Break.Season.2
【译 名】:破茧狂龙/越狱第二季
【类 型】:Drama(情节系列剧)
【首 播】:2006年8月22日
【国 家】:美国 FOX
【语 言】:英语
【字 幕】:RMVB中文

【简 介】:
Michael Scofield是一头陷于绝境欲拼死一搏的怒狮,他的兄弟Lincoln Burrows几个月就将被以谋杀罪处以死刑,但Michael坚信他是被冤枉的。为了拯救了自己的手足,Michael抢劫了一家银行,因此而被与 Lincoln关进同一所监狱-- 福克斯河州立监狱。作为一名建筑工程师,他对监狱的建设蓝图了如指掌,带着Lincoln逃出生天也成为Michael入狱的唯一目的。

年长的犯人改造官Bellick教会了Michael很多监狱的生存之道。后来,在狱友Sucre的帮助下,Michael开始与其他帮派广泛结盟,包括前匪首John Abruzzi,和声名狼藉的劫机犯Charles Westmoreland。在监狱外,Michael只有一个盟友--他的辩护律师和老友Veronica Donovan,她也是Lincoln的前女友。

其间,Lincoln 15岁的儿子LJ,由于没有了Michael叔叔的正面影响而开始到处瞎混。其他的角色还包括监狱医生Sara Tancredi,囚犯Warden Pope,他伪装出与Michael几乎如同父子一般的关系。

An engineer (Wentworth Miller) installs himself in a prison he helped designed in order to help his brother (Purcell), a death-row inmate who insists he didn't not commit the crime for which he's been sentenced to die, escape.

This drama focuses on a prison designer who gets himself thrown into one of his own prisons to help his falsely accused brother escape death row. Described as in the vein of The Great Escape , the series will unfold over 22 episodes, charting the course of a single break.

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Michael Scofield
Michael Scofield的教育背景会让人奇怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪行。在Mortan高中完美表现,他以优异的成绩毕业于芝加哥的Loyola大学,取得了土木学士和土木硕士的学位.Scofield被捕前,他受雇于芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名气的公司,他是一名结构公程师。犯人Michael Scofield,没有前科,被定罪为持枪抢劫,企图抢劫国立储蓄银行芝加哥市区分行,金额超过50万美元。审讯时,Scofield没有辩护,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一级监狱里服刑。他告诉错愕不已的哥哥Lincoln,他相信Lincoln没有犯谋杀罪,在死刑执行日之前,他要带着哥哥逃出牢狱。

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Lincoln Burrows
Burrows 的年轻时的所作所为表明他将最终进入Fox River监狱.前科累累的Lincoln因谋杀副总统的兄弟Terrence Steadman的罪名被捕,虽然他否认与此案有关的所有指控,法庭仍判处他死刑,而且刑期就定在短短的两个月后。正当他在Fox River监狱的死囚牢中毫无希望地消沉度日时,弟弟Michael突然出现在他的面前,并带来了一个完美的越狱计划。最初Lincoln对看似无可能的越狱计划心存疑惑,但当他得知前妻被杀,儿子LJ生死未卜时,Lincoln不顾一切地要逃出监狱。

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