星期五, 九月 22, 2006

Really Slick Screensavers - Mozilla Firefox


Really Slick Screensavers

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The latest news

September 6, 2006 - It sounds like the support for OpenGL on Windows Vista has improved a lot: NVIDIA_-_OpenGL_on_Vista.ppt

August 20, 2006 - Just received word from Ken Mays that he has made Solaris ports of Really Slick Screensavers. Thanks Ken.

July 2, 2006 - Hey, someone at Intel please read this post. Please fix your OpenGL drivers. They use software rendering whenever a screensaver is running, and everyone who owns your graphics chips hates this behavior. This problem is also mentioned in my FAQ.

April 17, 2006 - Updated Mac OS X ports from Nick Zitzman: Helios, Hyperspace, Skyrocket, and Field Lines.

February 20, 2006 - Nick Zitzmann posted Mac OS X ports of Helios, Hyperspace, and Skyrocket today.

February 9, 2006 - I just added FalsinSoft's RandomScreensaver to my links page and started using it on my own computer. Thanks to Frank for the recommendation.

August 10, 2005 - It appears that Microsoft is planning for their next version of Windows to have a windowing system based heavily on Direct3D. This could mean bad things for OpenGL. Read all about it here. Fullscreen applications should not be affected by this plan, so my savers will still work fine. However, this assumes that hardware vendors supply drivers that go beyond OpenGL 1.4 (the emulated OpenGL provided by Microsoft will be limited to 1.4). Whether or not the Win32 API will work on the next version of Windows is another question I would like answered. I still hear mixed opinions about that one. And, in case you are wondering, I will never port my savers to Direct3D.

August 10, 2005 - A user reported a workaround for savers running slowly on Intel graphics. Try renaming savers from ".scr" to ".sCr". Thanks for the tip, Ralf.

April 19, 2005 - OpenGL geeks might want to see the bottom of the downloads page for my new FBO demo. If you aren't an OpenGL geek and don't know what FBO is, then you probably wouldn't care about it anyway.

These savers are free software. Feel free to give them to anyone and everyone. Some of them demand a lot of performance from your CPU and graphics card, so I hope you have a fast computer. These savers use OpenGL for graphics and will perform poorly without OpenGL hardware acceleration. All modern PCs being sold have decent OpenGL support, but the high-end gaming PCs will work the best.

Please let me know what you think of them. I always welcome constructive criticism or ideas for new savers. mogumbo 'at' gmail.com

Welcome to Really Slick Screensavers. Writing crazy OpenGL screensavers is a fun hobby for me, and this is the website where I distribute them. The savers on this page are written for Windows. See the downloads page for current releases and to find versions of these savers for other operating systems. If you have a question, please consult the FAQ before contacting me.


This is a real number cruncher of a screensaver. Computers are getting much more powerful these days, and my old savers don't bring them to their knees like they use to. This one does. Of course, you can still turn the settings way down if you have a pathetic, old computer.


Throw together some attraction/repulsion particle effects and some smooth implicit surfaces and this is what you get.


This is about as psychedelic as screensavers get. I thought my Plasma saver was at the top of the scale, but this one is even more nauseating. You'd better find one of those air sickness bags before you stare at this one for too long.


The most full-blown fireworks screensaver ever. It has bright lights, smoke trails, clouds that are illuminated by the explosions, sound effects, and plenty of other eye candy. I hope you have a powerful graphics card. Keyboard commands allow you to launch various types of rockets, pause the movement of the fireworks, and control the camera with the mouse. OpenGL is used for the graphics and OpenAL is used for the sound.

Solar Winds

This is a very mesmerizing particle effects saver. Tweak the settings a little and you'll find that you can achieve an amazing number of different patterns. You can also connect the particles with lines for a very different effect.


Fly through an endless world of linked rings. You can choose from several different textures for the rings and alter the comlexity of the lattice structure.


This screensaver rocks. If you know anything about strange attractors, you might recognize the patterns created by this saver.


Probably the second most psychedelic screensaver in existence. Just try to picture all those colors moving around.

Field Lines

This is a simulation of the electric field lines between charged particles. Physics never looked so good.


Here's a 3D variation on a favorite old theme. Try it out with Chromatek's ChromaDepth glasses for a cool 3D effect.


This screensaver makes tornadoes on your screen. I wrote it for my storm chasing buddy, but you can have it too. Check out his weather page if you're interested in meteorology and severe weather.
Web reallyslick.com

Contact: mogumbo 'at' gmail.com SourceForge.net Logo


