星期四, 六月 21, 2007

抓虾-IGI - Architectural Design of Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Techniques



IGI - Architectural Design of Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Techniques


TITLE : Architectural Design of Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Techniques (Premier Reference Series) (Hardcover)
AUTHOR : by Hong Lin (Editor)
PUBLISHER : IGI Global publisher
ISBN : 1599041081
PUB DATE : June 05, 2007
LANGUAGE : English

Agent-oriented design has become on of the most active areas in the
field of software engineering. Although great advances have been made in
the study of the architectural design of agent systems, the complexity
and multi-disciplinary approaches of this constantly growing field are
currently of a premature nature compared to where they should be.
Architectural Design of Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Techniques
provides a compilation of advanced research results focusing on
architecture and modeling issues of multi-agent systems. This study
serves as a reference for further research on system models,
architectural design languages, formal methods and reasoning, module
interface design, and design issues. Architectural Design of Multi-Agent
Systems: Technologies and Techniques presents high-level issues such as:
modeling agent systems in cognitive sciences, knowledge management,
in-depth exposure of agent theory, and state-of-the-art research on
design quality of agent systems.

URL: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1599041081/


