星期四, 十月 05, 2006

NUS in top quartile of world’s best 100 universities - Mozilla Firefox

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NUS in top quartile of world's best 100 universities

The National University of Singapore maintained its standing in the top quartile of the world's best 100 universities in this year's Times Higher Education Supplement World University Rankings. NUS was ranked 22nd in the world and amongst the top three universities in Asia. The table below shows the top 25 universities in the overall ranking.

World's Top 25 Universities

1 Harvard University 13 Imperial College London
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14 Cornell University
3 Cambridge University 15 Beijing University
4 Oxford University 16 Tokyo University
5 Stanford University 17 University of California,
San Francisco
6 University of California, Berkeley 17 Chicago University
7 Yale University 19 Melbourne University
8 California Institute of Technology 20 Columbia University
9 Princeton University 21 ETH Zurich
10  Ecole Polytechnique 22  National University of Singapore
11 Duke University 23 Australian National University
11 London School of Economics

24 Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
    24 McGill University

NUS continues to have a strong foothold in the major disciplines. It is among the world's top 10 for Technology, retaining its 9th position. The University made a significant leap in Biomedicine, jumping 10 spots from 25th last year to 15th this year. For these two disciplines, NUS emerged amongst the top three universities in Asia. It is ranked 13th in the world and top in Asia for Social Sciences.

The London newspaper's annual rankings are based on measures like the number of citations for academic papers generated by each staff member, faculty-student ratio, and the proportion of international staff and students. A key measure in which NUS scored very well is peer review which is an indicator of global reputation. A new measure �C universities which international companies prefer to recruit from �C has been added this year.


World's Top 20 Technology Universities

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11 Tokyo Institute of Technology
2 University of California, Berkeley 12 ETH Zurich
3 Indian Institutes of Technology 13 Oxford University
4 Stanford University 14 Carnegie Mellon University
5 Imperial College London 15 Delft University of Technology
6 Cambridge University 16 University of New South Wales
7 California Institute of Technology 17 Tsing Hua University
8 Tokyo University 18 Melbourne University
9 National University of Singapore 19 Kyoto University
10  Beijing University 20 Georgia Institute of Technology
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World's Top 20 Biomedicine Universities

1 Harvard University 11 Yale University
2 Cambridge University 12 Tokyo University
3 Oxford University 13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 Karolinska University 14 University of California, San Diego
5 Stanford University 15 National University of Singapore
6 Imperial College London 16 Edinburgh University
7 Johns Hopkins University 17 Heidelberg University
8 Beijing University 18 Sydney University
9 University of California, Berkeley 19 University of California, San Francisco
10  Melbourne University 20 University of Toronto
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World's Top 20 Social Science Universities

1 Harvard University 11 Melbourne University
2 London School of Economics 12 Columbia University
3 Oxford University 13 National University of Singapore
4 University of California, Berkeley 14 Tokyo University
5 Stanford University 15 Australian National University
6 Yale University 16 Cornell University
7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 17 Indian Institutes of Management
8 Cambridge University 17 Monash University
9 Chicago University 19 Sydney University
10  Princeton University 20 New York University
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