星期一, 十月 09, 2006

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
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Fundamentals of Wireless Communication

Author(s) : David Tse, University of California, Berkeley and Pramod Viswanath, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
ISBN : 0521845270
Pages : 586
Publisher : Cambridge University Press
Publication Date : June 2005

Terms and Conditions

The book is copyright (c) Cambridge University Press. The online version of this book (available on this website without the exercises) is subject to the same copyright rules as traditional books (eg. copying the book onto paper (ie. printing) is not permitted).

Book Excerpts:

The past decade has seen many advances in physical-layer wireless communication theory and their implementation in wireless systems. This book aims to present modern wireless communication concepts in a coherent and unified manner and to illustrate the concepts in the broader context of the wireless systems on which they have been applied.

Topics covered include MIMO (multiple input multiple output) communication, space-time coding, opportunistic communication, OFDM and CDMA. The concepts are illustrated using many examples from wireless systems such as GSM, IS-95 (CDMA), IS-856(1xEV-DO), Flash OFDM and ArrayComm SDMA systems. Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay between concepts and their implementation in systems.

Structure of the Book:

This book is a web of interlocking concepts. The concepts can he structured roughly into three levels:

1. channel characteristics and modeling;
2. communication concepts and techniques;
3. application of these concepts in a system context.

A wireless communication engineer should have an understanding of the concepts at all three levels as well as the tight interplay between the levels. This book emphasizes this interplay by interlacing the chapters across these levels rather than presenting the topics sequentially from one level to the next.

Intended Audience:

This book is written as a textbook for a first-year graduate course in wireless communication. The expected background is solid undergraduate/beginning graduate courses in signals and systems, probability and digital communication.



Smile "Virtually every aspect of sending a signal through the air is discussed from power, frequency, noise, fading, interference, and from a hardware standpoint the all important antennas including design, positioning, reflections, and shadowing."

Smile "Not only the author presents the text superbly supported with mathematical explanations but also uses felicitously chosen examples from the gamut of wireless technology to put forth the concepts."

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