星期六, 九月 23, 2006


Protara > Simply create

Introducing Protara version 1.0

A new and simpler way to write applications for Windows™ desktop or mobile platforms.

Try it for yourself!

Download a free copy.

PDAs Well Supported

Built from the ground up for compatibility with Windows CE (2.12 and higher) devices all the Protara user interface elements and script API are accessible on mobile devices without any restrictions in functionality.

Integrated Debugger

Seamlessly switch from editing to debugging your applications with a single keypress. Mobile applications can also be debugged using the built-in device simulator.

Web Services Spoken Here

Use the Web Services Wizard to easily connect your Protara application to any SOAP standard Web Service

Supports Console and Service Applications

As well as creating standard Windows applications for desktop and mobile devices Protara supports the creation of standard console and Windows services applications.

Integrated Help

Use the Library Panel to quickly get context sensitive help for any of the hundreds of available API functions and objects.

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